The Restaurants just Keep Closing

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The restaurant industry has been a brutal place to hang your hat for a number of years now. This summer, however, we saw a number of big players do some major downsizing.

Currently, we are handling 8 liquidation auctions for Bob Evans Restaurants, with quite a few more down the road. In total, Bob Evans has chosen to close and liquidate 18 restaurants with us, and we were more than up for the task.

Before Bob Evans, Famous Dave’s BBQ closed a number of restaurants as well and asked for our help liquidating their restaurant equipment. After closing locations nationwide, we were able to liquidate the furniture, fixtures and equipment for a surprising amount of return.

How do we do it? Swift action and effective liquidation.

Over the past 30 years of business, the TAGeX team has become masters of the graceful restaurant closures. We know the business better than anybody else, and when restaurants are in a pickle, we get them out.

Recent Projects

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Our success as equipment liquidators is due in large part to the six channels of liquidation we own. Depending on the item and location, some methods of liquidation yield a higher return than others. Auctions held through Advanced Auction Company and are great for emptying an entire building, while our storefront, RestaurantEquipment.Shop yields high return on smaller quantities of items in better condition.

Whatever the situation, we have a sales channel to maximize return for our clients

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We don’t expect the restaurant industry to get any easier in the near future, but the best we can do is be prepared with an exit strategy in the event of a restaurant closure.

For more information about our services, visit

Phone; 800.572.4480Email: [email protected]