Lubbock’s The Fifty Yard Line Restaurant auctioning off items after closing

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Ed Price was the most recent co-owner of The Fifty Yard Line Restaurant and says that he was sad to let it go, but he had to do it even though it was open for more than 50 years.

“It was started by a former Tech football player who started before the predecessor to this restaurant. People ate here forever.”

And now, he’s wanting to pass off the items in an online auction, saying that even the grill is up for sale.

“There have been thousands of steaks cooked on this and this is the heart of the 50 Yard Line,” he said, pointing to the grill. “We’re auctioning everything that’s left in the building on Restaurant Equipment.Bid.

“The auction closes Friday if someone wants something that’s in the building, I encourage them to get online and bid.”

Ed said it was a really special place for Lubbock residents.

“People wouldn’t go to a table-cloth restaurant except on special occasions. we did all kinds of wedding receptions, anniversaries, birthday parties,” he said. “Coach Knight loved this place. he would come here for any special occasions… when he won awards he would come here”

And Ed says Texas Tech has first pick on some items.

The Fifty Yard Line was home to lots of Texas Tech sports memorabilia (Source: the Fifty Yard Line)

“We’re not selling all of the sports memorabilia that’s signed and everything… that’s being kept as a package. We do have one of the regents at Texas Tech that’s attempting to get some folks together and buy it as a package.”

Find more information for the auction here:

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Source: KCBD News by Melanie Camacho