Caitlin Office Interiors Retire After 37 Years; Auction’s Surplus Furniture

Caitlin Office Interiors is a family-owned business located in Upstate New York. The company has successfully grown a reputation in the office supplies business by providing quality office products. These products range anywhere from corporations to schools to hospitals.

Bob Bendix, the co-owner of Caitlin Office Interiors, had his first big break when they received a huge order for office equipment from Kodak. During that time Kodak was the world’s dominant photo film manufacturer. Kodak was creating a host of startup firms and needed a large quantity of furniture. Bendix figures some of that office equipment he sold them in the 1980’s is probably still in use.

The small-business owners have decided to retire this year and will be liquidating their surplus furniture in an online auction. There are hundreds of items listed on Advanced Auction Company ( such as office furniture, equipment, and decor from Caitlin Office Interiors. Each item begins selling at $1.00 with no reserves which is a huge attraction for buyers. The sale is for a limited time only – ending on Friday, November 6th.

e6dbf6 7030372e08cb4a97a085f51df7b57ae5 mv2
Vicinity Desk Unit (originally listed at $6,159)
a27d24 7c51f89cd8544c8a918e724c97c7f097 mv2
Hon Accelerate Work Station (originally listed at $5,573)
e6dbf6 e4a87240f75f490bb14bb6ecf3b5f88d mv2
Executive Swivel Chair (originally listed at $992)
