Eastman Egg Company located in Chicago, Illinois has secured the opportunity to minimize the costs/headaches and optimize the return of the equipment through a comprehensive Restaurant Equipment Liquidation Program.
All items will be placed on our Auction Platform, RestaurantEquipment.bid. All items start at $1.00 – no reserves. Participating bidders competitively pick the price for the items they want.
A couple of articles outlining why Eastman Egg shutters all its restaurants are listed below. Click on the links below to read the articles:
– Chicago Tribune: http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-eastman-egg-expansion-0419-biz-20160418-story.html#
– Chicago Eater: https://chicago.eater.com/2018/8/21/17762050/eastman-egg-company-shutters-both-restaurants-the-loop-west-loop-closed
The results are expected to yield excellent return for both the client and TAGeX Brands.
Click on the picture below to direct you to our Auction website, RestaurantEquipment.bid